Creative Keeps

Snow Art

A friend posted this article I'd seen a couple times in my newsfeed. It's killer what Simon Beck does with his mathematical creations. And then another article just for shits, because it's people using snow to make creative snowmen. Some of which are pretty great. That's all, really. Snow and creativity. Happy holidays!

// credit: Viral Nova & Huffington Post (for the snowmen)

First the intricate designs...

And then the funny and other creative ways to work with snow...

Chris Swanson
San Francisco, Now & Then
Wow. Been on a photography kick as of late, and this is a great example of the power of photos. The combination of now and then really presents an intriguing perspective. Love it. Check them all out at the credit link.

// credit:


Chris Swanson
Santa, The Pitch Deck
Check it out. You want to know what I do for a living, or us creative types do in this business of Advertising, then check this out. Slow clap for Quiet Room on this. Very well done indeed.

// credit: Quiet Room UK

The Deck

Chris Swanson
Sorry, I Spent It On Myself
I love it. I really do. Great, simple concept. I mean, don't we all wish we could do this? Not even sometimes? Yeah, you do. This campaign plays into the all too familiar (and unfortunate) feeling of greed and commercialism we know so well around the holidays. Doesn't make me hate the work. Nope, not one bit.

// credit: AdWeek

Chris Swanson
Personal Ink
This is an incredible group that I think is doing something amazing. I also love that their website URL takes you to a Pinterest page, and while not an avid user myself, they've made it simple to get there, get info and get what you might be looking for. What a great use of the social platform for such a wonderful cause. Bravo Personal Ink, bravo! The video below is worth checking out and Molly is a great inspiration. Plus, I am really fond of their logo design.

// credit:

Chris Swanson
The Photograph
Photos can peak volumes with just a single image captured in time.

I recently ran across a couple of photography compilations on INDULGD and wanted to share the links to check them out. One on powerful and moving images, while the other is more thought provoking around history. Both lists capture some shocking, some wonderful, some horrible images. All of them get you to feel something, in some way.

// credit: INDULGD

The 26 Most Thought Provoking Images
Inside an Auschwitz gas chamber

28 Photos to Redefine Your Concepts of History
Artificial legs, United Kingdom, ca. 1890

Chris Swanson
An Aging Superhero
Awesome photorealistic works of art, depicting a superhero into his later years of life. Still fighting crime, losing his groceries in the parking lot and posing for epic portraits. Check out the link for more killer images from the Swedish artist, Andreas Englund as well as the video embedded below from the source.

// credit: This is Colossal

Chris Swanson