Creative Keeps

Save The Bros

I like the simple and satire approach. And anything that pokes fun at the muscle bros of the world.

// source: Our bros are in trouble. Learn how you can help save our beloved Bromo Sapiens from chugging toxic chemical junk found in their favorite food source: protein shakes. Organic Valley has a solution. It's called Organic Fuel. Watch this important film and share it with a bro.

Chris Swanson
Reactions Through Art

Artists responding with artwork to the murders in Paris at Charlie Hebdo (a satirical magazine). The power of art is undeniable and inspirational. Below are just a couple pieces from the article linked below. 

// source: CreativeBloq

Chris Swanson
Old Faithful: Warm & Intimate Photos Of Really Old Dogs

How do you not fall in love with these pups? More proof of the power behind photographs. Absolutely heart melting and wonderful. Love, love, lick. Woof. More images at the source link (BoredPanda).

Chris Swanson