Creative Keeps

Edible Planets
Yes, yes, yes. The kind of creativity I can indulge in eating, oh yeah. Planetary cakes. While I'm sure I would fuck this up in no time, these look great and are something I want to try. Even if they turn out like a missile-blasted planet, I'm sure they would be delicious. Nom, nom, nom.

// credit: Wait Wow!

Chris Swanson
Kim Byungkwan
Stumbled upon this artist/painter while scanning my Feedly (Kim Byungkwan). Posted up by PicDit and Designspriation, I was totally captured by these paintings. I absolutely love "I'm not WW" at the bottom. See more paintings at the credit links below.

// credit: Designspiration & PicDit

Chris Swanson
Mr. W
Shared from a coworker as inspiration for a current project. How had I never seen this before. Clever and I love it.

Chris Swanson
Creativity & Constraints
So much great stuff in this Fast Company article. All about the thing you'd could assume would hinder or stunt creativity... constraints. Well, check out the article and some of the videos I pulled from it. Definitely worth reading. And I LOVE the first example, about Hemingway writing a story with the constraint of only using 6 words.

// credit: Fast Company



Chris Swanson
BQ Status Update
The Queens are working hard. We're ensuring our brand feels right, upping our social media presence, and getting the website ready to launch. That on top of investigating Kickstarter opportunities, making new flavors and continuing our quest for world domination.

In the mean time, we've given the Facebook page a tiny facelift, as a taste of things to come. More updates soon!

Chris Swanson
Who Loves Print Ads?
I love print ads. And after seeing this posted in someone's newsfeed I checked it out and felt compelled to share. Some good stuff in here. Simple and sweet. And some you might recognize.

// credit: Viral Nova

Chris Swanson