Creative Keeps

200... Yeah, So What?!

Ok, well this is the 200th post here (at least that's what Blogger tells me) and over the last year I've picked up the pace, because let's be honest, in the start, I wasn't great at this blogging thing. And by no means does me saying that negate the fact that I'm not the best at it now. I am however, keeping this to document things I do, personal, creative, inspirational, or well, hell, all of the above. But also to find those things in life that inspire me, that make me stop and think, or just catch my eye. So here's to another 200, and then 200 more, and so on, or until my fingers get sick and my eyes fall out of my head.


In the spirit of some recent work, here's a couple community event promotions that I helped with. One is my own partner's monthly event at the Edge Bar in Castro focused towards the leather demographic. The other was for a recent AIDS Walk 2013 fundraiser. It was quick, down and dirty. One of those 24 hour projects where you get a couple hours (maybe), but I'm happy to do it. I live to do things for a good cause, so it's always a pleasure.

AIDS Walk Fundraiser

CODE @ The Edge (Bringing Leather Back To The Casto)

Chris Swanson