Creative Keeps

Ready to get Spiked?!

So, as it turns out, after a little bit of perseverance, some life changing events, and with a new mindset in 2010... I have joined the SF Spikes. After playing soccer for 8 years in my youth, and wishing that I had never given it up for the past decade, I was determined to get back into the game. And so it has come to fruition that I went to an open practice last weekend, and, well, I'm HOOKED. Welcome back to the days of old. And if you are wondering...yes, it is a gay soccer team in San Francisco... shocking I know! It's a great group of guys, and we are starting a third team within the organization.

With practice starting next week, I've been conversing with the coach (who seems to know me all too well already) about a name for this third incarnation of the Spikes. I'm taking in all ideas, as we are going to embark on creating a logo/emblem for our jerseys, banner, etc. Any ideas? Suggestions? I won't share just yet what I'm working on in my head, but NOTHING is out of bounds on this one. Once created, I'll be sure to keep it posted. It'll be good... would you expect any less?!

Until then, I will be keeping up on all the other projects in the works, like volunteering for Pride 2010 and their marketing, my involvement in an HIV vaccine study, freelance projects, the ever illusive job hunt for something in my industry... and of course all the other craziness that will ensue on the journey of the CKS 2010 Comeback Tour!

Keep your eyes peeled my friends, it's only just begun... and that's a promise!
Chris Swanson